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Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'm Your Opheliac

So, my psychological life has been a little topsy-turvy lately. I'm making some important discoveries about myself with the help of a therapist. She's been really great at asking the right questions (even if she treats nonmonogamy like it's a sign of mental illness/dissatisfaction with life/cheating). Here are some interesting things I have learned about me:

1. I spent my entire childhood and a portion of my adult life being loved conditionally (except by my cat, Mister Pumpkins, who died when I was 12. He loved me no matter what.). Up until recently, I have never known unconditional love from a human being.
2. I don't even love myself unconditionally. I hate myself unconditionally.
3. I have spent much of my adult life seeking unconditional love while simultaneously not believing in its existence.
4. Mo loves me unconditionally.
5. I have spent the better part of a year, possibly longer, unconciously testing Mo's unconditional love, waiting for confirmation that I was wrong about it, affirmation of my belief that I am so hateful I do not deserve love.
6. When I realized that Mo's love was not going to go away, I began to push her away. Unconditional love is so unknown, it's scary. And Mo's unconditional love is making it impossible not to feel the hurt of not being loved as a child, not being loved unconditionally by my family.
7. The pain is so great that it is engulfing, seems to be the thing that makes me. This is the part that I hate unconditionally. And deep down, I believe I am nothing if I don't have my pain.
8. The pain was easy to box up and carry with me, safely contained, before I knew unconditional love. Now, I can't contain it when I'm with Mo alone.
9.The pain unleashed is pure destruction.
10. I have to let this pain go and find who I am without it, or I risk losing Mo. I can't box it up anymore. I have to face it.
11. I don't know how to face it. Yet. But this bitch is going down. I've had enough of its destructive power. So....

Dear All-Encompassing Pain Demon,

You are no longer welcome in my temple. And if I cannot expel you, then I will slice pieces of you away and slowly feed you to the Earth. This is my life now, and I will know myself without you.

With all fierceness,
Sophia the Healer


  1. Man it's hard to heal a wound you've been carrying with you... Yes, the wound closes-but it's the scars that seem permanent. I wish I knew how to help you heal that scar... I'm at a loss for advice on this one, but I am incredibly proud of you for the progress you've made and your resolve. You are beautiful and amazing.

  2. You are strong and you can get rid of the pain you feel. I believe in you.
