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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Angry Vagina

My vagina is angry. It is. It's pissed off.

Why is it that there can be medical research to create a pill that makes it so old fogeys (whose whithered raisiney testicle shouldn't be pumping out ejaculate anyway) can get it up, but NOBODY can do extensive and conclusive research about what upsets the vaginal pH, causing a woman to get a yeast infection?!!!!!

Seriously, we all know that spooge (which is disgusting), upsets the pH, but what about for women who don't have sex with men? What about all the 7 and 8 year olds who get them? It's clearly not BAD HYGIENE, like all those (male) pediatricians say. Because I have excellent hygiene and still get them. AND...

A woman knows when she has a fucking yeast infection, you fucking pricks. She doesn't need to go to the fucking doctor so that she can pay $25 or more for the doctor to confirm to her that she indeed knows her body, plus $5-10 for the prescription. AND...

Why is it that the creams are $10-$15 dollars? AND...

Baby Powder has corn starch in it. Corn starch is a sugar. Sugar in the vag causes infections. WHY are we using this on female babies? And WHY hasn't anybody come up with a safer alternative? AND...

I think that men should be disqualified from the ObGyn profession. They don't have a vagina or a uterus, how the hell are they supposed to know what's going on in my body? No amount of book learning can EVER make a man fully understand what a woman's body does. EVER. AND...

I am so tired of pouring countless amounts of money into my vagina because NOBODY can tell me why I get yeast infections all the time. I need to recruit some radical feminists to break into key members of the FDA's houses, stick a straw down their penises, pour salt into the tube, slowly remove the tube, and scream, "THIS IS WHAT A YEAST INFECTION FEELS LIKE YOU ASSHOLE, SO MAKE DIFLUCAN OVER THE COUNTER ALREADY!"

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more, honestly. Mine gets them all the time, I hate the angry vagina. :( I keep it clean, I'm not having sex with anyone, yet I get them all the time!
