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Friday, April 9, 2010

Dear So and So

Dear Readers of Dear So and So,
I'm too lazy to get the picture.
Sleepy Student

Dear Army Anthropologist,
You really scared me yesterday when you told me you needed to talk to me after class. I felt like I was waiting for the principle the entire time. However, I was very pleased with the news that you gave me.
Your Anthro Student of the Year

Dear Me,
You are AWESOME. You've worked your butt off and kept it up. Even though you've bitched along the way, you've managed to do the thing you wanted. Do well. And here's the evidence: the faculty of anthro declared you Anthropology Student of the Year! Try to let this be enough. Keep this in mind when you're thinking you're not good enough. You are Anthropology Student of the Year for 2009-2010. You can do all kinds of things. And you will.

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